How do I best organize my fridge?

Do you know that, too? In the farthest corner of the fridge you find a long-expired yoghurt pot and your vegetables are anything but crunchy again?

It is not uncommon for valuable food to be thrown away just because it was overlooked in the fridge. But one thing is clear: throwing away food wastes resources, so keeping the fridge organized is very important. Fridge organization systems can help keep food fresher and organized.

Would you also like to keep your fridge organized and waste less food? Then read our tips here:

Pay attention to refrigerator temperature zones

Most refrigerator models have different temperature ranges, which should definitely be taken into account when storing the food.

In most refrigerators, the temperature distribution is as follows. Be sure to check the instructions for your refrigerator, because some models have the exact opposite.


Die Kühlschranktür ist einer der wärmsten Orte des Kühlschranks. Darin bewahrst du am besten Eier, Butter, Fertigsoßen, Dips und Getränke auf.

upper compartment

It is relatively warm in the upper area because, as is well known, heat rises. This is why you can store long-lasting foods such as pickles or jam here.

Middle compartment

Dairy products such as yoghurt, sour cream, milk and cream cheese should be stored here.

lower compartment

It's coldest at the bottom of the fridge, which is why you should store fish and meat here. This compartment is also ideal for gently defrosting frozen food.


Fruit, vegetables and salads feel at home here. Incidentally, the glass plate above protects the contents from temperatures that are too cold.

Tips for organizing your fridge

Categorize and create food zones to find everything quickly

Depending on eating habits, zones can be set up, such as a breakfast zone or a snack zone, especially for children. Use individual containers for cheese, sausage, dairy products, etc. If something spills, you only have to clean one box. The boxes also help keep the zones in place. It also makes it easier for you to get to the back things. You can pull out the boxes like a drawer or place them directly on the table or worktop. Get the most out of your fridge with consistent and stackable containers.

An "Eat me first box" is particularly helpful in minimizing food waste. This is a box in the fridge that contains all the food that needs to be eaten soon. So every family member knows that the opened yoghurt from this box should be eaten first before a new yoghurt is opened.

Label the zones so everyone in the household can find their way around.

What makes a really good fridge organization system?

Out of sight out of mind? To prevent this from happening, the ideal fridge organizer should be transparent. So you always have everything in view and know exactly what is in it.

It is also practical if the organizers are available in different sizes that can be combined with one another. It is also best to be stackable, so that the height in the refrigerator can be optimally utilised.

It can also be visually appealing. Because if the design is right, the joy is also increased.

Last but not least, the food should also stay fresher for longer with the help of the storage containers.

The new refrigerator organization system CAUMA fulfills all of the points mentioned. Each of the seven different sizes consists of a box, a multi-purpose lid and a removable Extra Fresh Safe insert, which protects the food from moisture. Because thanks to the holes in the insert, the condensation can run down and the food lies dry on it.

The lid makes it

Most refrigerators are quite small. It is therefore important to make the best possible use of the available space. It is therefore very practical that the CAUMA organization system can be stacked without slipping. To do this, the lid is simply turned in such a way that a depression is created in which the next box can be placed without slipping. So every centimeter of your fridge can be used.

Or you create an additional storage area to make ideal use of the height and place tubes or cups on the lid.

If you need more space inside the box, the lid can also be put on the other way around and thus offers a larger volume for the food.

Since the lid only rests lightly on the box, air can circulate better.

The lid is also transparent, so you can see exactly what's in the box from above, for example in the vegetable drawer.

Die Zusatzlade (Anmerkung: dieser Absatz wird zunächst weggelassen, da das Produkt erst ab Mai im Handel sein wird)

Durch die zusätzliche Schublade kann noch mehr Raum geschaffen werden. Auch diese ist transparent, um den Überblick zu bewahren. Aufgrund der Saugnäpfe kann der Rahmen auf diversen Regaltiefen verwendet werden. Leicht einzusetzen und noch leichter zu verwenden. Ideal geeignet für kleine Snacks, Saucenpäckchen und Tuben.

Lust bekommen deinem Kühlschrank einen neuen strukturierten Look zu verpassen? Dann los!