FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
What can I scan with the app?
How do I scan a QR Code?
What happens when I scan a QR Code?
Scanning not working?
How do I create a new collection?
How do I capture a box?
How do I register a product?
How do I collect additional/additional information?
Red dot on the product image. What now?
Is there a limit on the number of boxes and/or products?
How are Rothoshop invoices sent?
I haven't received an invoice
How can I search?
How do I find a box/product?
How long do the filters in the Dynamic Boxes last and what do the filters do?
Are Rotho food contact products made from recycled plastic?
How can I move a box?
How do I move a product?
How do I change the location of a box?
How do I change data/information on a box/product?
How can I share a collection and how do I recognize the shared collection?
How do I delete a box/product?
How do I delete a collection?
How do I delete a shared collection?
Is the amount of data limited?
General remark!